
Dr. Charles Simonyi is the Father of Modern Microsoft Excel                                           JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally renamed to JavaScript.                                           The word "Biology" is firstly used by Lamarck and Treviranus                                           Hippocrates (460-370 bc) is known as father of medicine.                                           Galene, 130-200 is known as father of Experimental Physology                                           Aristotle (384-322 BC) is known as Father of Zoology because he wrote the construction and behavior of different animals in his book "Historia animalium"                                           Theophrastus(370-285 BC) is known as father of Botany because he wrote about 500 different plants in his book "Historia Plantarum".                                           John Resig is known as Father of Jquery -                                          HTML is a markup language which is use to design web pages. It was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.                                                                The Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.                                                                Rasmus Lerdorf was the original creator of PHP. It was first released in 1995.                                                               Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg                                                               Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++.                                                                Dennis Ritchie creator of C                                                                                                                              James Gosling, also known as the "Father of Java"                                          At 11.44%, Bihar is India's fastest growing state                                          Father of HTML -Tim Berners Lee                                          orkut was created by Orkut Büyükkökten, a Turkish software engineer                    Photoshop: It came about after Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan created a program to display grayscale images on a monochrome monitor which at the time was called 'Display'.


Div examples: containers

All examples are working for IE 6.0 and Firefox 1.5.


Example 1Demonstrate float left (1)(2) and float right (3)(4).

Example 2Demonstrate how to put two containers (1)(2) inside another container.

Example 3Demonstrate how to position a container (1).

Example 4Demonstrate how to position two containers side by side.

Div example 4.
Example 5Demonstrate how to position two containers side by side with a top container above over the full length.

Div example 5.
Example 6Demonstrate how to position two containers side by side and left aligned.

Div example 6.
Example 7Demonstrate how to position one container left aligned (1) and the other right aligned (2).

Div example 7.
Example 8Demonstrate how to position two containers one below the other. Both containers are left aligned.

Div example 8.
Example 9Demonstrate how to position two containers. The first container (1) is left aligned the other is below the first and right aligned (2).

Div example 9.
Example 10Demonstrate how to position two containers one below the other and both are centered.

Div example 10.
Example 11Demonstrate how to position two containers side by side and left aligned (1)(3). The other container (2) is right aligned.

Div example 11.
Example 12Demonstrate how to position one container left aligned with text on the right side and below this container.

Div example 12.
Example 13Demonstrate how to position one container right aligned with text on the left side and below this container.

Div example 13.
Example 14Demonstrate how to position three containers (1)(2)(3) one below the other and all three containers are inside a fourth container.

Div example 14.
Example 15Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned with text above this container. Both are also inside a second container.

Div example 15.
Example 16Demonstrate how to position a container (1) right aligned with text above this container. Both are also inside a second container.

Div example 16.
Example 17Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned with text on the right and below this container. Both are also inside a second container.

Div example 17.
Example 18Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned and text below this container.

Div example 18.
Example 19Demonstrate how to position container (1) left aligned and two containers left (3) and right (2) aligned. Container (3) is overlapping container (1).

Div example 19.
Example 20Demonstrate how to position a container (1) right aligned and text below this container.

Div example 20.
Example 21Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned with text below this container. Both are also inside a second container.

Div example 21.
Example 22Demonstrate how to position two containers side by side and right aligned.

Div example 22.
Example 23Demonstrate how to position two containers side by side and both are inside a third container.

Div example 23.
Example 24Demonstrate how to position two containers one below the other. Both containers are right aligned.

Div example 24.
Example 25Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned and direct below another container (2) right aligned. The same action is repeated again.

Div example 25.

Example 26Demonstrate how to create a table with div tags.

Div example 26.
Example 27Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned and another right aligned (2). The same action is repeated several times.

Div example 27.
Example 28Demonstrate how to position a container (1) left aligned, a container (2) aligned in the middle and another right aligned (3). The same action is repeated several times.

Div example 28.
Example 29Demonstrate how to position text on the left side inside a container.

Div example 29.
Example 30Demonstrate how to position text in the center inside a container.

Div example 30.
Example 31Demonstrate how to position four containers (1)(2)(3)(4) in the corners of a rectangle.

Div example 31.
Example 32Demonstrate how to create a table with div tags. The table has a header and a footer.

Div example 32.
Example 33Demonstrate how to position container (1) left aligned and two containers left (3) and right (2) aligned. Container (3) and (2) are below container (1).

Div example 33.
Example 34Demonstrate how to position container (1) left aligned and two containers left (3) and right (2) aligned. Container (3) and (2) are below container (1).

Div example 34.
Example 35Demonstrate how to position a container (1) right aligned with text on the left and below this container. Both are also inside a second container.

Div example 35.
Example 36Center a container in the middle and top of the screen.

Div example 36.
Example 37Automatically size the height of the iframe (method 1).

This method only works if the parent page (containing the <iframe> tag) and the target iframe page(s) belongs to the same domain.

This method also works if the target iframe page contains a form with a submit button and where the result page must be displayed in the same iframe window, for example a poll.

The height of the first target iframe page will be used for all the following pages.

Div example 37.
Example 38Explain padding and margin for Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Div example 38, Firefox.

Div example 38b, Internet Explorer.
Example 39Automatically size the height of the iframe (method 2).

This method only works if the parent page (containing the <iframe> tag) and the target iframe page(s) belongs to the same domain.

This method does not work if the iframe page is a form with a submit button and where the result must be displayed in the same iframe (for example a poll).

Div example 39.
Example 40Place small label on container top.

Div example 40.
Example 41Place inline container between text.

Div example 41.
Example 42Create small colored boxes in a row.

Div example 42.
Example 43Create small colored boxes in a square.

Div example 43.
Example 44Create splash screen in front of a page.

Div example 44.

Button Top

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